Blogging the ASN Meeting at EB 2012

Welcome new followers!

I'm excited to report that I've been selected as official blogger for The American Society for Nutrition (ASN) 76th Scientific Sessions and Annual Meeting in conjunction with Experimental Biology 2012 (EB 2012) on April 21 through 25 in San Diego, Calif.

Click here for a peek at the preliminary program.

What exactly is EB 2012? The conference is a highly anticipated annual event where six scientific societies hold their joint scientific sessions and annual meetings. Besides ASN, other societies represented are: the American Association of Anatomists (AAA), the American Physiological Society (APS), the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology(ASBMB), the American Society for Investigative Pathology (ASIP), and the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET).

The conference attracts leading researchers from several different life-science disciplines. There will be new findings presented and it is sure to be interesting!

So, for EB 2012 updates, be sure to stop by this blog during the conference April 21 through 25. You can also follow my tweets at @daviddespain. I will be covering the ASN portion of the meeting, which will be about all the latest developments in nutrition science. Nutrition science -- that's my thing. You can also follow ASN official updates on Twitter at both @nutritionorg and @BioactivesRIS (the Dietary Bioactive Components Research Interest Section). UPDATE 3-28-12: Another Twitter account to follow is @NutImmRIS (Nutritional Immunology Research Interest Section.

If you're interested in more, be sure to follow the updates of other meeting bloggers/writers including these fine people:
  • Donna Krupa, @phyziochick: Communications Director, American Physiological Society 
  • Cara Santa Maria, @carasantamaria: Huffington Post science correspondent 
  • Heather Doran, @hapsci: the official meeting blogger for ASBMB 
  • Scicurious, @scicurious: the official meeting blogger for The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 
  • Kelly Warren: science writer 
  • Geoff Hunt, @GoodbyeShoe: outreach coordinator for ASBMB 
  • Angela Hopp, @angelahopp: editor for ASBMB Today 
Lastly, if you're a meeting attendee or someone who simply wants to stay on top of all EB 2012 news, don't forget to use the Twitter hashtag #EB2012 during the meeting.

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