"Be careful reading health books. You may die of a misprint." - Mark Twain.

Unlike other nations where food and culture are intertwined and make up the diets of most people, here in the U.S. we have more diet books than we can read. Along with these come dietary philosophies that absolutely nothing to do with the exact science of true nutrition.

Obsession has a way of skewing fact and fiction merging them into a new viewpoint of the world that is borderline fantasy. A concern may be justified in some cases, but lack of education leads to a dangerous assumption.

Science must be first. And students must learn how to think critically. To eradicate the kind of illusion that somehow a philosophy of diet will povide one ability to ignore science, education is most important. Be very, very skeptical and only rely on scientifically trained individuals when it comes to your health.

There's so much misinformation out there. These are characterized by misunderstandings, lies, and even through indoctrinations. We've all been subjected to these. I think we all might have given up a food because someone told us it might cause "cancer" only to find it might actually prevent cancer.

Along with education, a lot of the time has to be dedicated to eradicating ideas that people think they already know. These come by browsing Internet sites, succumbing to ideas of those who may or may not have their best interest in mind, and even possibly forcing sellers of these ideas to take some responsibility for what they do.


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